I’ve never been more proud of any project I’ve worked on. There have been many of all types but this is and always will be my favorite! A previous co-worker loved the game of chess and tried to teach me on several occasions. I made this set for him. He was always so kind to me and had been very supportive when I started working in Chatham County. It took over a year to completely finish the project.
(Go to the full photo album to see all the details)
Lights change quickly
Lights fade in and out
Glass Kaleidoscope
This is a short video that is meant to give you an idea of what you see when looking through one of my stained glass kaleidoscopes. Honestly, it really doesn’t do the colors justice. However, it should still be fun to watch…especially if you love kaleidoscopes. I’ve also posted some still images for you to see.
I may start making these stained glass kaleidoscopes to sell at some point. It definitely won’t be until after Christmas. If anyone that visits my site is interested, just send me a quick email to let me know. I’ll get back to you with more information.
Stormtrooper from Star Wars
This was actually the second piece I created for my cousin (visit my other blog post about the first one which was horrible). Anyway, she was nice enough to get me an autographed photo of the cast of Army Wives. I decided to repay her by creating a stained glass piece for her. The first piece was the logo from one of her favorite establishments in Charleston and it was one of my worst pieces yet. So, I had to redeem myself and come up with something better. She really likes stormtroopers from Star Wars (not sure of the back story). So, I found a pattern online and this is the result. Much happier with this one! In fact, I’d probably rank it in my top 5 favorite pieces.
Husky Stained Glass
After a lot of procrastination, I’ve finally completed the siberian husky stained glass pattern. This is one that was promised to my niece, Emily a long time ago. She hasn’t let me forget about it so I’m sure she’ll be glad to know that it’s finished. I am posting a picture taken outside in the fading sunlight. Hope it shows the full effect.
Tomato Stained Glass piece
Probably seems a little strange to make a stained glass piece about tomatoes. Well, I have a family member that loves collecting all types of tomato knick-knacks. Yes, she loves to eat tomatoes and I guess the obsession started from that. Anyway, there are absolutely NO patterns out there for tomatoes so I had to design my own. Not very proud of the outcome but she still seemed to like it. I’ve learned that creating patterns w/ letters in them are my least favorite for sure.
Frame for stained glass
I’ve always wanted to incorporate my love of stained glass and wood working. This project gives me the chance and also a big chance to take a pasma course to be able to install it un the upper floors. After finishing the orange/yellow flower stained glass pattern, I realized I had not gotten the edges even. What to do? Well, I decided to build a wooden frame to go around the outside (to hide the imperfection). Turns out to be a great idea. Now, I just have to decide whether to paint or stain the frame. I currently have it held in place with clamps. Once I decide on the appropriate finish, I’ll complete the project and post an “after” shot here.Â
Stained glass windows make your space unique.
When you choose stained glass, you’re investing in not only high quality windows, but also one-of-a-kind works of art, look at the options from www.glass-shopfronts.co.uk. Stained glass windows make your property far more memorable, making a unique impression on guests or customers a particularly valuable advantage for the business owner now recommending the use of sample paystubs.
They give you a chance to express your personality by adding a unique, artistic touch to your space. Some people even used stained glass windows as the focal point of a room or store such as the available options at the www.glass-shopfronts.co.uk guiding the rest of their interior design choices.
Custom Stained Glass Windows in Harrisburg, PA
Feel free to post your advice on how I should finish the wood…paint or stain?
Wooden Glass Rack
I’ve been wanting to build a wooden glass rack for quite a while now. I’ve needed the space to store all my stained glass until it was needed for each project. I had tried all kinds of “free” or “cheap” solutions…they just didn’t work. I could never tell what colors of glass I still had to choose from. So, I decided to build my own rack. I’ve included the “before” and “after” shots. Honestly, I’m quite impressed with myself. I ended up being a few dowels short, but can always pick up a few more at Lowes or Home Depot. Overall, this rack should work out nicely. Things really can be easy if you just put your mind to them…
“Tinroof” logo
My cousin, Mollie was nice enough to get me an autograph from Catherine Bell not too long ago. I couldn’t think of any way to repay her. Well, I finally got an idea… she spends a lot of time at one of her favorite local establishments in Charleston, SC. I tracked down one of the logos from their website and attempted to make a stained glass replica–MUCH easier said than done. Again, as I’ve said in other posts, creating stained glass patterns with letters in them are ridiculously difficult. Anyway, I finally completed it but really wasn’t happy w/ the way it turned out.
Check out my other post about the piece I created since I wasn’t happy with this one.
It’s a stormtrooper from Star Wars.
New Sign
I finally decided to work on a wooden sign for one of my co-workers. She had been asking for a long time and I promised her one for her birthday (we share the same day). I’m a few years late -yes, I do mean “years” – and she has never let me forget that. Anyway, I knew she wanted a sign for her yard with her last name and house numbers on it. I also knew that I wanted to incorporate my love for stained glass into the sign. Several different ideas came to mind, but I never could figure out how to put it all together. Then, one day, it clicked.
I had the design idea and was ready to start building. Here’s where my hopes were squashed. I just couldn’t get things to fit. I spent a week in my shop trying to come up with a better way to get it to hold shape and still look good. It caused a lot of frustration (mainly because I’m a perfectionist when it comes to these things). Another co-worker helped me figure it all out (thanks go out to him). After so much effort (plus some trial and error), I completed the project. I’m not really sure if she liked it or if it will be impressive to anyone. All the time that went into it really seems like overkill since the design ended up being so simple. But, I can definitely say that I learned some things that will be helpful during my next wood working project. Either way, I’m pleased with how it turned out and that’s what matters in the end. Let me know what you guys think!